Who Are We? Maria Magdalena Rubio Garay

Highlighting one of our incredible staff members.

Who Are We? Ana Lilia Felipe Espinoza

Who Are We? is a Centro Infantil de los Angeles series highlighting the incredible people who keep the center running. These are the individuals who show up each and every day to make things happen and improve the lives of the children we serve. These are our angels. In sharing their incredible stories, we hope to bring our supporters closer to those they support and provide a peek into the daily activities of Centro Infantil de los Angeles.


Meet Lili. Ana Lilia Felipe Espinoza has been working at the Centro Infantil de los Angeles daycare for one year. As Lili says “I knew I wanted to be a teacher for Centro Infantil de los Angeles because I saw how good they were to my son, Alexis who attended preschool here”. 

It was only last year that Alexis was on his last year of preschool when Miss Lili knew about a job opening at the CILA Daycare and decided to apply. She had been an assistant secretary before this job but a few years before that, she was a daycare teacher for 2 different institutions in San Miguel de Allende. She studied to be a Teacher’s Assistant in College and she always wanted to try that profession again.

She describes the attention and care that the teachers at the preschool gave to his son for 3 years as “caring and mindful”.

She likes being with kids and she’s patient enough to talk to them in a calm way even when they’re trying to test her nerves. She always greets them with a smile and with open arms. In short, we’re grateful for teachers like Miss Lili and we wish her a happy and wonderful year working at Centro Infantil de los Angeles.


What Centro Infantil offers to teachers working here is a safe and healthy environment in which to grow and become more efficient as a teacher. We provide the materials and clean premises for them to develop a successful teaching plan each week.


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Would you like to support Miss Lili and the amazing work she does for the children of San Miguel de Allende?



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