How We Celerate the Season
‘Tis the season when Mexico erupts with holiday music, poinsettias, lights, and spontaneous street parties! So, how do we celebrate this festive season at Centro Infantil de los Angeles? Take a look at what’s been going on over the past few weeks as we get into the Christmas spirit.
December 4th: Christmastime is here! Bright and early moms arrived to decorate the daycare. Colorful stars, garlands, and ornaments hang from every corner.
December 5th-8th: Time for Christmas crafts! The 3 year olds spent a whole week making Christmas decorations for their classrooms and homes. Wreaths made out of painted rice, toilet roll trees, and colorful ornaments cover every inch of Maestra Diana and Maestra Flor’s classrooms.
December 11th: Maestra Mary’s classroom has been coloring images of various Christmas traditions. The kids are compiling all these into Christmas books of their own to highlight holiday customs from around the world.
December 14th: The daycare has been filled with Christmas music as the kids practice for their Posada song and dance performances. Future stars in the making!
December 18th: Santa sighted at the guarderia! The big guy himself paid us an early visit arriving in style and causing quite a ruckus. Guess our kids have been extra good this year.
December 20th: Las Posadas are an integral part of Christmas celebrations in Mexico. These festivals commemorate Mary and Joseph’s search for a safe residence during the birth of Jesus and usually end with food, music, and piñatas at a designated house. This year, Centro Infantil de los Angeles will be hosting our very own Posada party. Sure to be the best holiday event in San Miguel, the party will take place on Wednesday, December 20th at 5pm on location in the daycare. Come out to celebrate the season with us!